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Friday, February 25, 2011

Cleaning An Apartment Before Moving Out

If you live in an apartment you know that most apartment complexes require a deposit that you will receive when moving out unless you have caused any damage. To make sure that you will take back your deposit you should follow the tips below.

First you should pack all your belongings and remove them from the apartment. After that you can give up cleaning. It is quite easier and faster to clean the place when there are a great amount of boxes and items all over the apartment.

Start with the bathroom because usually it is the place in one home that accumulates most dirt. Bathrooms are the most common reason for deduction on the deposit. That is why it is very important to clean your bathroom properly. For this purpose apply some cleaner on the shower walls and bathtub and leave for awhile. Then scrub the tile and tub. Bathroom cleaning includes also the toilet, the mirrors and the sink. Make sure that you wipe down all surfaces in your bathroom. Do not forget to sweep and mop the floor at the end.

Move out cleaning is not an easy task so you may consider hiring a professional end of tenancy cleaning company. They offer a wide variety of cleaning services that will satisfy all your needs.

Clean out the kitchen. Wipe down all the shelves. To remove the grease stains on the surfaces in your kitchen, utilize grease-cutting cleaner. The outside of the oven, microwave and dishwasher should be wiped down with a mild dishwashing detergent solution. Do not forget to clean the sink and mop the kitchen floor.

Vacuum the floors in all living areas. If there are any stains on the carpets that cannot be removed, do not worry because many cleaning companies include in their move out cleaning packages special carpet cleaning services.

If the apartment looks as clean as it was the day you moved in, you will undoubtedly receive your deposit.


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