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Monday, March 21, 2011

Carpet Cleaning Islington Tips – Flood Damage

Many people think that water can't leave stains on carpets but those who have experienced a flooding in their homes know that water can damage seriously the look of all kind of floor coverings. Flood may be caused by different sources – burst pipes, leaving the taps running too long or downpours of heavy rain. If the wet area is not blotted immediately the water may cause serious damages on your carpet. The moisture turns into a breeding ground of mold which causes many serious health issues, especially to people who have asthma and other respiratory problems. Here are some tips of how to save your carpet from such a disaster without replacing it.

If the damaged area is small then you can handle the problem on your own, but if we are talking about a significant area then it is better to call a professional carpet cleaning Islington. So, if the area is small and you think that you will handle the job then continue reading.
If the flooded area is small enough then you can use some bath towels to blot the water.
When the problem occurs open all the windows to move the air and eventually dry the carpet faster. You can increase the speed of the process by turning on a fan or an air-conditioner.
The flooded water could be extracted by a steam cleaner. You can hire a steam cleaning machine if you do not have such. But still these machines are not as powerful as a professional one.
Of course, the Islington cleaners are the saviours of your carpet in a case of flooding. It is better to rely on the professional help of carpet cleaning Islington, than wasting time and money on new carpet. Islington cleaning companies have trained experts who will save your favourite carpet from a permanent damage.


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