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Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Use a Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner

The rainbow vacuum cleaner is a multi-purpose machine designed to keep carpets and other surfaces shining clean. It has water filtration system that prevents the spreading of allergens into the air when surfaces are cleaned.
Many professional cleaning companies, including cleaner Clapham, use rainbow vacuum cleaners because of the high work efficiency of these cleaning machines. Although, the price of rainbow vacuum cleaners varies depending on the brand, there isn't a real difference in the way how they are used.
  1. Pour tap water into the water reservoir of the machine until it reaches the fill line of the tank. This water filtrates the dirt and debris during vacuuming.
  2. Add from one to two capfuls of commercial rainbow deodorizer to the reservoir.
  3. Attach the hose to the cleaner by turning it clockwise until it snaps into place.
  4. Most rainbow vacuum cleaners come with a crevasse attachment, upholstery attachment, vacuum attachment, dusting attachment, shampoo attachment and spray pump. Choose the one you need and connect it to the hose.
  5. Turn on the cleaning machine and begin vacuuming. For carpet cleaning, vacuum from the far wall of the room towards the doorway as recommended by carpet cleaning Clapham.
  6. Constantly check the water basin while vacuuming. If the water in the reservoir gets dirty, change it with fresh water. Detach the hose firstly, then remove the water reservoir. When you have changed the water, put the tank back on its place and reattach the hose.
  7. Get rid of the remaining water in the basin when finish vacuuming. Wash the reservoir with plain water, and store the Rainbow vacuum cleaner in appropriate place until the next use.


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