A rust stain on your carpet is not something with which you should reconcile for life. If the stain is freshly occurred, you would be even able to remove it using common household products. Here are a few simple tips to follow when a rust gets on your carpet.
- Use a dull butter knife to scrape off as much of the rust from the carpet as possible.
- Squeeze a lemon into a bowl and then pour the juice into a spray bottle. Spray the stain with the lemon juice until it is saturated.
- Blot up the juice with a white paper towel after it has sit on the carpet for at least 5 minutes, but no longer than 10 minutes, as advised by carpet cleaning Acton. Do not rub the rust as this will stain your carpet further more.
- If the lemon juice doesn't remove the stain completely, make a cleaning solution by mixing 1 quart of water and ¼ teaspoon of liquid dish-washing detergent.
- Make sure the solution is thoroughly mixed, then pour some of it on a clean, white cloth. Blot the stain using the damp cloth until no more rust is left on the carpet.
- Rinse out the detergent solution by spraying water onto the area and blotting with a dry cloth.
- Make sure to extract as much moisture as possible by blotting, then leave the carpet to dry completely before vacuuming.
Use only white towels when blotting the stained area to prevent possible transfer of dyes from the towel into the carpet. If the stain has been sitting on the carpet for some time and doesn't come out, consider calling professional cleaners, such as carpet cleaning Acton team.
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