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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Moving Out in Ten Days

When moving out end of tenancy cleaning is the first thing you have to think about. This way you will ensure that you will get your deposit back. Here is  some useful information about how to clean your home in ten days time. 

Day 10
Clean all high areas, take your time to clean every room. Vacuum the room from side to side, pay attention to the corners. Dust and wash all glass light fixtures covers, fans, door and window frames. Do not forget to clean the shelves and tall ledges. If there are smoke detectors, change the batteries.
Ensure that there is no mould in the bathroom and also remember to wipe the floor.
If you need to clean thoroughly the carpet organize it today.
Day 9
This day is assigned to clean the windows,frames, tracks and blinds. You may hire a professional cleaning company to do the job for you. Or you can do it by yourself. First, vacuum the curtains with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner and brush them with a dry cloth or clothes brush. Remember to dust the valance that holds the curtains.
The next step is to clean the windows. Use special detergent and a damp cloth. Look at the window from different directions and if you notice stains, grime or streaks use general purpose cleaner and repeat, if needed. You also need to wash outside the windows. Try to do these tasks in during the daylight hours, otherwise it will become hard to notice when the windows are completely clean.
If you have a garage do not forget to clean it too.
This two days give the start of end of tenancy cleaning process.


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