Everybody has a computer nowadays. Some have laptops others have a desktop computer. Everyone uses a computer to help their everyday work. A personal computer can be a big helper whatever you do. In most cases people use it as a communication tool these days and improve the business relations with the customer. The computer can also be used to entertain yourself. You can watch movies, play games , read books or just use it to gather general information about almost everything.
However frequent usage of the computer requires cleaning it. Number one enemy of the desktop computer is dust because it clogs up the ventilation system which may cause the computer to overheat. So here are some tips on cleaning NW3 your desktop computer:
1. Turn the computer off and remove the power cable
2. Remove all the cables going into the box.
3. Remove the side covers of the computer.
4. Take your vacuum cleaner and remove it's extension. Using only the hose vacuum the floor and the top of the computer. Try to avoid touching the computer with the vacuum cleaner in any manner, you may disconnect or worse damage some of the hardware. Take extra caution when cleaning NW3 the fans the air stream may cause them to spin and to brake the mechanism.
5. Use a cotton bud to gently remove stuck dust in the tight areas.
6. Finally use a moist cloth to remove the dust from the covers of the computer.
Make sure you do this at least once a month because when the computer clogs up you may face a serious malfunction or damage.
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