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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Three Things You Forget to Clean

The winter is coming and you probably have done the thorough cleaning which every housewife does when the warm weather is gone. I am sure that you did your best but even know I can point out several places you forgot to clean. And this is because we rarely pay attention and clean some surfaces. Let's see which ones are they.

Place number one you probably remember to clean once a year is under your bed. Can you tell me how often you do that? When was the last time when you vacuumed under the bed? Probably long time ago when you hired domestic cleaners London. And this concerns all the furniture in your home, because we rarely think of cleaning under each of the pieces of upholstery. So, you can make a schedule and have a day for cleaning under the furniture.

The second place you forget to clean is the trash can. We remember to take the trash out almost everyday and we rarely think about the bad odour which the can itself keeps. When you get back home today, you can take the garbage out again and this time try to not forget to wash the bin.

Last but not least important is to clean the door knob. It is something that everybody touches and there are many germs living on it. But did somebody else except the domestic cleaners London clean it? If you didn't then it is time to do it.


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