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Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Clean Your Home Naturally

Your home needs to be neat at all times. The best way to get it clean is to do it naturally. You should use only natural products because they are safe for your health. You would never experience any problems with them.

The most common natural cleaning products for your home are baking soda and vinegar. You can use them for most of the cleaning messes in your home. They are as effective as the cleaning products which are used by professional cleaners from Melbourne.

Vinegar is good for removing a lot of different stains from your carpet. Apply it to the stained spot and let it stay for a while. After that, blot with a cotton cloth and the stain will come out easily. Vinegar is also very good for cleaning a lot of different surfaces in the kitchen. Apart from being a good cleaner, it is also a good disinfectant.

Baking soda could always come in handy in the bathroom. You can use it to make the bathtub or the toilet bowl white. It is very important to to mix baking soda with some water, because you could cause some scratches. Baking soda can be used to remove bad smell in the fridge as well. Put an open box on the door of the fridge and it will absorb the bad smell.

Go green and clean your home with natural products. That will make the process easier and effective. If you don't want to green clean on your own, give a call to some company for cleaning to do it for you. Many agencies offer green cleaning.


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