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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spending Time Cleaning, Money-saving Services

Always, when it comes time to move out of your rental, you have to consider the steps you are going to take, in order to do it the right way and get your deposit back.

The dilemma here comes from the fact, that you have to spent time cleaning by yourself or hire someone instead. Which way should you go? Which way is going to actually save you money?

Well everything here is relative. How big is the rental, that you have to perform post tenancy cleaning at, do you have enough free time(remember time is money, do you have to take unpaid leave days from work? ), do you have the needed detergents or you have to go to the store and buy everything.

And you have to make plan, no matter which way you decide to go. If you are going to clean by yourself, you should make schedule and start cleaning step by step, one room at a time. Maybe you don’t have to take days off work. If you distribute your time right and spend, let's say, 2 hours a day cleaning, may be you will be able to finish on time.

If you decide to hire a company to get the job done, you have to do the maths. How much money do you have. If you got shortage how are you going to find way to fund the cleaning? Maybe you could purchase only some of the cleaning services. Professional end of tenancy cleaning service is always a good choice no matter which way you decide to go, you could always use the help of someone whose job is cleaning.


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