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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cleaning At Your Home With The Use Of Couple Of Organic Products

Keeping the home clean is very important. Clean home is healthy home. Having a nice and tidy place is far better, than living in a complete mess. For that reason you have to clean at home, from time to time. Well, it depends on how often you use certain appliances, how often you visit and spend time in certain rooms and how much time you spend at home at all. People, who often travel or work long hours, prefer to outsource the service and get someone else to clean instead of them. I mean, this is something completely comprehensible. 

In case you find some time and decide to clean, here are few tips that could be of some help. White vinegar is not only a good cooking ingredient, it helps a lot in the cleaning process. For example a combination of vinegar and water, put together in a spray bottle makes the perfect mirror, glass and windows cleaner. Simply spray the surface and polish with old paper. Vinegar could be of some use when you start renovation at home. This is the perfect wallpaper remover. Mix with water again and wet the wallpaper. Let the liquid to penetrate, once the paper is fully soaked, simply peel. Vinegar works great not only at home. In the cold winter months, a mixture of vinegar and water will prevent the windshield of your car from freezing. Cover the windows of the car with the mixture and leave them like that.

Vinegar is one of the best helpers when it comes to home cleaning. Of course its possibilities are not unlimited. Therefore you need to use some sophisticated commercial cleaners from time to time in order to deal with more stubborn spots. 


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