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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Useful Upholstery Cleaning Information

We all know how hard is to keep our furniture in a great condition. We cover them, trying to hide stains, dust or just worn spots. This is one of the reasons why upholstery cleaning is so important.

We spend much more time and efforts on fighting to replace furniture covers than  just washing or cleaning them. We usually put off cleaning until it is too late and the stains become hard to be removed. The key is to act, as soon as you can , to keep your upholstery looking fresh. You should deal with any spills as quick as possible, treat them from outside of the area in towards the centre to prevent the stains from spreading still further.

You should vacuum your furniture, once or twice a week. This way you will keep the dirt and dust at a minimum. If you use cover, remember that they are not meant to last forever. When it starts to look shabby, may be it is time for new one or just wash them. After washing them hang them out to dry naturally. Put them back on the furniture while they are still slightly wet.

If you have leather sofa you need to vacuum it once a week and and wipe it with a soft cloth or towel. When vacuuming pay attention to all crevices, to remove all traces of dirt. If you spill something on it you can easily remove it by using a damp sloth, squeezed out in warm water.

Do not use normal upholstery shampoo or soap to clean up spills and stains on a leather sofa, the result could be worse than the original stains.

If you want to avoid all these steps you can always hire one of the upholstery cleaning London companies to do the job for you.


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