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Monday, May 16, 2011

Bathroom Dealing, Toilet Bowl Cleaning

Scrubbing around in the bathroom is not a pleasant thing to do, especially in your spare time, but every once in a while there comes the time for that, too. As a part of the home cleaning process the bathroom should get your attention first. This is the place where you get clean, which means that it has to be clean and disinfected as well.

In the bathroom there are few areas that you have to stress more, when cleaning. One such is the toilet bowl. The place where your body comes into direct contact with the surface therefore it should be one hundred percent clean. For starters, lift the lid and the seat up, and disperse cleanser into the bowl. After that scrub with the toilet brush. Stress on the waterline and under the rim. Leave the cleanser to sit for like fifteen minutes, and flush afterwards. Take care of the upper side of the rim, the seat and the lid. You can use a damp sponge with a cleaning solution. Don't forget the area behind the rim, usually a lot of dirt accumulates during the time there. After that with clean and again damp sponge, wipe the tank, the handle too. Spare some time to wipe down the exterior of the bowl and the base as well. As a matter of fact a lot of filth accumulates there stuff like hair, toilet paper lint, dust, hair. At the end flush the toilet and rinse the brush, then put it back in the holder.
Keeping the toilet bowl is essential when it comes to bathroom cleaning. And this is just one of the steps that are part of the home cleaning, as a whole. Professional help is also needed from time to time. For deep, thorough cleaning, there are a whole bunch of services out there, that prove to be very useful. Spring cleaning, end of lease cleaning Melbourne is an area where outsourcing services like those is something casual.


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