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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cleaning Stains from Your Carpet

We all have fun when having a party at your place, but after that we need to deal with a s lot of spill and stains. It is very important to act fast. The first thing you need to do is to blot the place or spoon up the excess. Use a plastic bucket or container to create a solution in it. Just follow the instruction bellow and you will remove any trace of stains.

1. The first rule in the carpet cleaning process is to blot. Do not wipe or soak, otherwise you will spread the stain and push the liquid deep into the fabric.

2. Make sure you know what kind of stain you have on your hands. Carpet stains are difficult to discern after some time, you may need to smell it.

3. If you have to remove grease stain, dab it with a small amount of dry-cleaning fluid. After that blot with dish washing liquid and water. Blot from the outside, in and then let it stay for at least five minutes.

4. For wine or  juice stains, you should mix a warm water and laundry detergent, then blot the spot. After that gently sponge with soda and blot on the detergent again.

5. If you notice eggs or other type of dairy products on your carpet, you need to blot first with ammonia and warm water and then with vinegar and warm-water mixture.

6. When dealing with ink, blot with dry-cleaning fluid and then blot the spot with a mixture of dish washing liquid and warm water.

7. Depending on the stain type you may need to place a paper tower over it and leave it that way overnight.

8. When the stain has dried brush clean and vacuum.

If you cannot do it by yourself you may hire a carpet cleaning London company to do the job for you.


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