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Friday, May 27, 2011

How to Clean Hair Dye from Carpet

As a home-owner you need to deal with different types of stains every day. The most stubborn stain are from hair dye. In this situation you need to act immediately, get at the stain as soon as you notice it. Otherwise, after several hours, carpet cleaning will become very hard task. 
The first thing you need to do is to blot the spot immediately, use a clean, white cloth or paper towel and be careful not to spread the stain. 
Make a home-made cleaning solution from a quarter teaspoon of liquid dish washing soap and one cup warm water. Mix thoroughly the ingredients. 
Apply the solution to the spot by using clean cloth, towel or sponge. Do not forget that you should work from outside of the stain, working inward. Blot gently, to ensure that you will not push the stain deep into the fabric. 
Let the solution to stay several minutes.

You also need to make another cleaning solution, combine one part vinegar and two two parts lukewarm water.

Soak the stain with the vinegar carpet cleaner and do not forget to work again from outside in. 
Once the stain has disappeared, rinse the spot with cold water and then blot the area with a clean damp cloth or paper towel. 
If you do not have success with these carpet cleaning methods you need to call in a professional carpet cleaner or try to remove the stains by using chemical-based solutions that you can buy from the store. However, do not forget that you should think about the environment in your house, toxic-free detergent are much healthier.


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