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Monday, May 16, 2011

Non-toxic Floor Cleaning

End of tenancy cleaning is very hard and difficult part of moving out. After packing all furniture and objects from the house, one of the last tasks to be done is to clean the floor.

There are many different types of flooring and each of them requires a special treatment, according to the manufacturers. The are thousands of cleaning solutions, that contain a lot of toxic chemicals, that are unhealthy for you and your family. What manufacturers do not want you to know is that you can easily clean most of the floors in your home just with two things, the first one is hot water and the second one is soap. However, if you own a special flooring you should first check the type of material and if it is a candidate for such easy care.

Another option is to make a safe and effective cleaning solution by combining one quarter cup of natural liquid soap with half cup of distilled vinegar and two gallons of hot water. You may also add a few drops of your favourite essential oil for fresh scent.

For wood flooring just replace the vinegar with a teaspoon of glycerin.

When dealing with greasy stains or for a truly clean start substitute one quarter cup of washing soda for the vinegar. This way you will remove the wax, if you want it to stay then keep the soda away.

Jojoba or boiled linseed oil are the best choice when polishing the wood floors. But be very careful when applying the oil, the floor can get very slippery.

It is a good idea to use a string mop instead of sponge mop, and a wringer bucket. This way you will clean your floor faster and more effectively, and that is all you need during the end of tenancy cleaning.


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