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Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Remove Mildew Stains from White Clothes and Fabrics

Cleaning at home is one of the things, that no matter how hard we might hate, we have to do. The process of cleaning is a routine and the best way to deal with it, is by getting in the habit of doing it regularly. That way, you will manage to maintain a clean household.

Using professional cleaning services is also something that might help you in the process. Professional cleaning services Melbourne has got, are one pretty good solution especially when it comes to heavy-duty tasks.

One particular problem, that you might solve pretty easy actually, are mildew stains on your white fabrics. For this tasks you will need two things: bleach and laundry detergent. My advice is to try with the laundry machine first and if that doesn't work, you can try washing the fabric by hand. Place the garment along with other white fabrics in the laundry machine. Pour detergent in the dispenser and bleach into the bleach section. Set on 60 degrees and wash the white fabrics like that. The bleach will do the rest of the job, it will kill the mildew and it will remove the stains as well. When the cycle of the laundry machine is completed take out the fabrics and inspect them for any clues that might have left. If there are some, you can either repeat the operation or try and get the stains off by hand.

Professional cleaning South Yarra area has got, is another thing that might help you with more difficult tasks. The professional cleaners are advising to use the above described method on white fabrics only, as the bleach could ruin colorful pieces.


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