If you want to start finding faster the things you are searching for, you may think about rearranging your desk a little bit. I know you think you really need all those office supplies within a hand's reach, but let's think about it for a minute. Do you really want 10 pens, 500 paper clips, or 20 erasers to consume your space? If you don't know where to put them, get a box and place them there. Hide them in the drawer with all the unneeded papers and throw away everything that you will never need, like that notebook you ended using last summer and you just keep forgetting to get rid of. Make room on your desk for the things you will really need and for the things you love. Place a photo of your family and friends to keep you company while working or get one of those miniature plants to brighten your day.
I know you hate it but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to keep a fresh, nice workplace. Cleaning is not so bad, it could take only a minute or two and it will definitely help you keep your belongings in order. You don't need special materials or toxic solutions! According to special cleaning services Melbourne, some wet wipes or a clean cloth can be a great helper against dust when you don't want to spend a lot of time on cleaning. Wipe off the dust from time to time and you'll eventually notice that working will be a lot more enjoyable when you spend your time in a clean, fresh looking place. Scientists, in fact, conducted a research on people who work in a different environment. Some of the people worked in a clean, fresh environment and others had to spend their time on a dirty desk with a lot of clutter on it. As you could imagine, those who worked in a clean work environment actually showed better results when given different tasks.
So take a little of your time tomorrow and get your work desk in order. You may find it a lot more enjoyable to work afterwards.
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