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Friday, May 20, 2011

Natural Recipes for Cleaning Your Carpet

We need to think about the environment all the time. Even when dealing with the house work. Carpet cleaning solutions contain chemicals that are harmful to you, your family and pets. They are very dangerous in houses with young children, as they breath in the vapors of whatever is being emitted from the ground.


Most of the home-made carpet cleaning solutions are made from two ingredients: baking soda ana white vinegar. You just need to add them to water, and you will receive one cheap and effective cleaning solvent. 

Few people know that white vinegar is a strong stain-removal, but can still be used daily. Do not worry about the odor, you just need to mix the vinegar with essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus. 

You can sprinkle the baking soda or combine it with water. Let it stay at least fifteen minutes and then vacuum the area, this way you will remove any trace of odor, from the carpet. 


Natural home-made cleaners do not contain any type of dangerous chemicals, and can be made from cheap products that can be found at the nearest grocery store. Many carpet cleaning solvents contain acids, pesticides and unnatural fragrances, all of these toxins can cause allergies and may irritate the lungs. 


Many people believe that organic cleaners are not as effective as those from the store. It is true that natural ingredients are not as harsh as the chemical-based solutions, but this does not mean that they are less useful. 


Do not forget to test the solution before applying it to the carpet, spray to a hidden spot and wait to ensure that it will not damage the colour or the fabric. Home-made carpet cleaning solutions are always available for quick use.


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