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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Remove Cigarette Carpet Stains

Smoking cigarettes cause unsightly nicotine stains, and their ash is the reason for many ugly, brown carpet stains. Since the normal cleaning products cannot deal with these stains, you will need to use exactly specified techniques for cigarette stain removal.
Removing these stains on time will prevent them from becoming a permanent part of your carpet. Hiring cleaner Clapham may not be necessary if you follow these simple steps below to get rid of the unpleasant cigarette stain on your carpet.
  1. The things you will need are hydrogen peroxide, warm water, bowl, rubbing alcohol, spoom, soft cloths and glycerine.
  2. Combine 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide,1 cup of warm water and 1 teaspoon of rubbing alcohol in a bowl. Use a spoon to properly stir the solution.
  3. Use a soft cloth moistened with the cleaning solution to rub the carpet until the stain is gone. Keep moistening the cloth with the solution if needed.
  4. Saturate a clean cloth into water, and use it to rinse off the solution. Assess the carpet for cigarette stain remains.
  5. If the stains is still visible, pour some glycerine directly on the stain and rub it into the carpet fibers using a soft cloth.
  6. Leave the glycerine undisturbed for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with a damp cloth and let the carpet air dry.
Consider using carpet cleaning Clapham services when nothing else helps. These services utilize the latest cleaning techniques in order to provide the most satisfactorily carpet cleaning results to their clients.


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