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Thursday, August 25, 2011

4 Things You Forget to Clean

We talk about spring cleaning, summer cleaning and so on, but the truth is that the cleaning process is something we have to deal with through the whole year. Which means that thorough cleaning would be required every month. So, look at these four things in the list and check how often you remember to take care of them.

Every time when I clean the bathroom, I look at the curtains and decide that I will clean them next time. Day after day, they stay wet and mould grow everywhere, so in the end I have to throw them away. That's why my professional cleaning services advised me to wash them more often, because the shower curtains are one of the things that most people forget to clean.

Next in the list is the trash can inside your house. Remember that it is not enough to empty them every day. You also have to wash them at least twice a week and to wipe them using disinfectant.
What about the telephone receiver. Do you remember there is such thing in your home? If you don't, it is time to do it and even to clean it. It was approved that the receiver is one of places where lots of bacteria live and they cause different types of illness.

Last but not least, you need to clean the dishwasher. The fact that you put dish-washing liquids inside doesn't mean that it is clean. It is even a great place for mould and mildew growth because of the big amount of water. When you call professionals to deal with the house cleaning, you can ask them to pay attention to this area.


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