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Friday, August 26, 2011

3 Carpet Stains You Can Remove by Yourself

How do you react when you see a stain on the carpet? Do you try to clean it by yourself or you call directly to your professional cleaners? There's nothing wrong to call them, but the families which have small children will probably call them every day because we all know how many stains a small kid can make. So, if you don't want to pay for professional cleaning of your carpet everyday,you have to read what's next.

One of the most common stains are those made of milk and coffee. They are in some way part of the domestic cleaning because every time when I clean the house, there is a milk or coffee spot somewhere waiting for me. It is important to react immediately in this situation in order to blot the excess liquid before it absorbs in the carpet. Use carpet shampoo to scrub and then eave paper towels on the spot to absorb what was left into the fibres.

If there is blood, which is already dry, pour cold water mixed with meat tenderizer on the stain and wait for about half an hour. The solution has enzymes, which will help the blood come out of the carpet.

Children love chewing gums, but they happen to leave them everywhere including on the ground. If there is a carpet, it is even better for them because you might not notice the mischief. When you see the spot, you can do the following. Put ice in a plastic bag and freeze the gum. Then take a small knife and scrape it off very carefully in order not to ruin the carpet. Now when you know how easy it is, you probably wonder why do you have to call professional cleaning services as you can handle the most stubborn stains.


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