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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to Remove the Smell of Spoiled Milk from Carpet

When milk is spilled, the occurrence of bad smell is a matter of time. If the milk stays untouched for awhile, the odour of spoiled milk will be quite sensible after a day or two. To minimize the stench, you should mop up the mess as soon as you notice it. Since the smell of rotting milk is caused by bacteria, spilled milk responds better to natural cleaning products. Commercial cleaners may actually cook the milk onto the carpet, causing a permanent staining.

Try these steps suggested by Acton cleaners, instead.
  1. Get the following items: paper towels, lemon juice, soft bristled brush, baking soda and a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Pour some water on a stack of paper towels and blot up as much of the spilled milk as you can. If the milk has already dried, press the wet paper towels towards the carpeting to dampen and loosen up the stain.
  3. Apply lemon juice to the affected area and scrub it with a soft bristled brush. Rinse the area by blotting once again with wet paper towels.
  4. Cover the stained area with baking soda, and let set for five hours. The baking soda will absorb the moisture and neutralize the sour milk odour.
  5. Wait for the carpet to dry completely, then vacuum it to remove the baking soda.
If the milk odour is still sensible, repeat the process or consider using professional services such as carpet cleaning Acton provides. Be sure that these professionals are enough experienced to clean the entire carpet without leaving any marks of staining behind.


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