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Friday, August 26, 2011

It Is Time to Clean Your Sofa

Furniture makes a house look cosy and unique. Usually, each piece of furniture brings a special atmosphere to the place. Therefore, if you intend to buy a new sofa, for instance, you need to pick it very carefully, not to buy the first one you see in the store. However, if you do not want to replace your sofa with a new one, then you should maintain it properly in order to prolong its life. 

When we are talking about a thorough cleaning of your home, cleaning the sofa should take a high position in your house cleaning check list. And when the time to do this task comes, you need to be well prepared for it. So, here are some suggestions, which you can use to achieve optimal results, when cleaning your sofa.

1. It is good to vacuum your sofa, once in a while. This way, you will be able to remove all of the collected dirt, dust, grime and germs from it and will avoid possible discolouring of the fabric, too. Also, for more effective ways how to maintain your sofa, you should check the manufacturer's labels, where you will find all the things that you do and don't have to do, when cleaning this piece of furniture.

2. It is very important to wash your sofa covers separately from the pillows. Just pull them off and put them in your washing machine. Check the instructions again, because some covers have to be washed only by hand. 

3. To remove stains from sofa covers, London cleaning professionals advice to blot the stain with a little bit of white vinegar. Then wash the affected area with a solution of warm water and some mild washing liquid. Rinse well with water and dry as quickly as possible.


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