This summer my best friend moved to Australia and we spent all June trying to get everything prepared for him to leave like all the necessary papers regarding his business, since I was supposed to be responsible for it during the following couple of months until he settles down there and can think about transferring everything to Melbourne.
Apart from paperwork, we were packing his staff to send it to Australia and I was even searching for a rubbish removals Camden for him while he was giving a visit to all his relatives that live around London.
In fact, when someone moves to another part of the world you don’t realise it until he already left. We were so busy with everything that the date of departure came really fast and only in the airport we got the thought that we will only meet after half a year next time if everything goes well. That was a very strange feeling I got on my way home, like I was an old air balloon, that was filling with air and growing and suddenly it met the needle and became empty in one second. Emptiness is what it was. Luckily my vacation was over and I had to get back to work, so this feeling didn’t stay there for a long time. However my friend had the opposite situation. First couple of days in Melbourne he was unpacking and sightseeing, but after one or two weeks he realised that he is missing some part of him which is left back in London.
It’s difficult to say who feels worse – the one who’s leaving or the one who’s staying, but once I woke up at night because of the phone call. It was Jonny and he seemed worried. After blaming him for waking me up I finally got that he was calling to ask if I know any after builders cleaning Melbourne company. Well, what could I say, he got used to me helping him out in every situation you can imagine, so he used me instead of Google. I told him some key word combinations he can use to try to find one and reminded that I have never been to Australia before. What can I say – I love my friends.
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